Hello beautiful soul!
Life has many challenges but also Life has many blessings...!
It's all about the choice we make of how to actually see life!
It's not about "punishments" and difficutlies and somewhere in between some good and happy moments!

No 1 KEY
Let me give you a key here that will change your perception of life.
When something "bad" is happening ask yourself this:
"Why is this happening FOR me?"
"What is the greater perspective I can have now instead of feeling down and betrayed or disappointed?"
When you ponder around these questions and you actually allow the answers to come to you - without forcing yourself to find them - then life becomes magical!
You get that this is a teaching moment for you in a soul level!
The result? You break free from the stereotypes of ego-mind and victim mentallity or even the drama that keeps repeating! Yet get actual answers on how to move forward! And this doesn't have to be in a meditation but it usually helps a bit more!
No 2 KEY
Let's talk also about emotions... The first thing that gets triggered is usually the emotions...
Have you tried to give permission to yourself to feel all the emotions?
That's a challenging one! We are taught we are not allowed to be angry or sad or frustrated!
We are also NOT taught how to love ourselves and be well within ourselves!
Another key I am giving you today is this...
Repeat to yourself:
"I give permission to myself to feel _______ ."
"I allow myself to feel ___________ ."
These words will give so much freedom and such a relief that you have no idea!
The result? You are getting connected with your emotions on a deeper level, you heal, you release. You work on the resistance of experiencing all your emotions! You are becoming your true self and also true to yourself!
No 3 KEY
The path of least resistance! Also known as going with the flow!
Let's say for example you want to do something new or different or even something that is not new but you have a resistance on that!
Where does your focus go? On the result that you will accomplish or the resistance that you feel about it?
Well, this is important...! You need to acknowledge all your emotions yes, even the one of resistance but if you get too lost in that feeling you will drop the idea you had in mind or the task you started doing! Right?
That's what at least I have observed in myself!
Focus changes everything! Where your energy goes in other words!
Instead of focusing in the resistance focus on the result and how it will make you feel!
Next step of your focus is to take one step at a time! Cause usually we see all the steps and we feel overwhelmed by all the work! NO! One step at a time!
"What can I do today that will bring me closer to the completion of this task/idea?"
Slow down consciously and enjoy the process! It's all about the process and not the accomplishment!!!